Chemical industry - special Know-how
The chemical industry in Saxony-Anhalt is dedicated to the questions of tomorrow and is opening up new competitive and sustainable fields of application with market prospects through innovation. Companies in Saxony-Anhalt demonstrate special know-how in the fields of chemistry for drives, high-performance materials, sustainable chemistry and chemical parks.
Chemicals for drives and batteries

Saxony-Anhalt's chemical industry is setting trends in the field of batteries and hydrogen:
Battery chemicals: In electromobility, the key component battery as an energy supplier is the central component. In Saxony-Anhalt, the materials for this are supplied and the battery for tomorrow is further developed.
Hydrogen chemicals: Hydrogen is an energy source - and in the field of mobility a climate-friendly alternative to petrol or diesel. Saxony-Anhalt relies on hydrogen as a climate-friendly all-rounder in terms of energy supply and wants to become a model region here.
Chemicals for drives and batteries
other success stories
Hydrogen chemistry
Success story: HYPOS e.V.
With two lighthouse projects, HYPOS is contributing to the establishment of a model region for hydrogen in the new federal states. The hydrogen research project "HYPOS:H2-Netz" is to carry out technical, economic and ecological research into hydrogen infrastructures and the distribution and use of the energy carrier in a real test field of around 12,000 m2 at the Bitterfeld-Wolfen Chemical Park in Saxony-Anhalt. The H2 Research Cavern project in Bad Lauchstädt (Saxony-Anhalt) is the first to test underground storage of green hydrogen from renewable energies. Both projects are part of the HYPOS initiative. Another 30 projects research for futher innovation potentials of green hydrogen. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding HYPOS within the program "Zwanzig20 – Partnerschaft für Innovation" with 45 million Euro.
Other success stories
High Performance Materials

As the name suggests: High Performance Materials are materials specially developed for high-end industrial applications, which offer very high performance and improved material properties. They are used for intermediate and end products in industry and sometimes even meet apparently conflicting requirements. Desired properties include functionality, material processing efficiency, material strength, deformation resistance, multifunctionality, light weight, corrosion resistance, high temperature performance or sustainability.
Success story: Innospec Leuna GmbH
Innospec Leuna operates a high-pressure polymerisation plant for the production of special ethylene-based products. These include EVA plastics, diesel additives and versatile polyethylene waxes. The company was founded in 1997 in the Leuna Chemical Park and has been part of the Innospec Group since 2004.
other success stories
Sustainable Chemistry

In the field of sustainable chemistry, Saxony-Anhalt is researching and developing the chemicals of tomorrow. According to the OECD, the concept of "Sustainable Chemistry" aims to improve the efficiency with which natural resources are used to meet the demand for chemical products and services. "Sustainable chemistry encompasses the design, manufacture and use of efficient, effective, safe and more environmentally benign chemical products and processes."
Saxony-Anhalt excels in two areas. In the bioeconomy sector, chemicals and products are created from renewable resources. And with innovative transformation paths, the opportunities can be seized to give the coal and chemical industries a sustainable structure and thus create innovative solutions with and for carbon-containing products and chemicals.