Sustainability in Saxony-Anhalt
The earth's natural resources and capacity to absorb pollutants are already limited or exhausted. In order for present and future generations worldwide to be able to live in harmony with their needs, Saxony-Anhalt is striving for "sustainable development" in order to deal responsibly with finite resources. Only an intact environment enables a high-performance and sustainable industry.
Saxony-Anhalt is committed to ecologically and socially sustainable development - demonstrating solutions that are economically successful and at the same time ecologically sensible and socially acceptable. Institutes, associations, universities and companies are driving innovations that rely on clean technologies and sustainably change the entire value chain - HERE sustainability is no longer a future topic, but the here and now.
In a comprehensive strategic paper focused on the year 2030, the long-term planned measures to achieve the cross-sector sustainability goals of the state of Saxony-Anhalt are presented. The sustainability strategy of the state of Saxony-Anhalt was adapted to the 17 sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Circular Economy | Recycling

The first step in the sustainable use of resources is to reuse them. This also includes a longer useful life of products. The circular economy is one way to decouple growth from the consumption of non-renewable raw materials. Saxony-Anhalt's companies demonstrate special expertise in waste collection and transport, waste recycling and processing, and environmental remediation.
Success Stories
Sustainable Energy

Wind energy. Solar. Hydrogen. Saxony-Anhalt offers the best conditions for developing energy-efficient solutions - for energies that are environmentally friendly and renewable. Energy storage, efficient energy networks and environmentally friendly use of fossil fuels. Through appropriate planning and regional climate protection and energy concepts, cities and communities contribute to the sustainable supply of the population with electricity and heat.
Success Story: KSB AG
The company KSB manufactures highly efficient pumps and fittings worldwide on the basis of sustainable production concepts, in the context of which it uses a closely meshed sales and service network. According to the guidelines of the Global Compact, this results in long life, energy-saving constructions for a variety of applications in water treatment plants, industrial facilities, large-scale power stations, mining and on oil drilling platforms. At KSB, the targeted reduction of the “life-cycle costs” to the minimum, the prevention of unnecessary emissions and the incorporation of regenerative energies provide the basis for potential electricity savings and cost-effective improvements to products.
“These days, you can't launch a product on the market with success which hasn't been efficiently and sustainable manufactured because ultimately, the customer won’t buy it from me,” says Sales Manager Philip Storch, describing the requirements of the global market.
In this respect, the reduction of the impact on both people and the environment is a characteristic attribute of the economic alignment of the company that was established in the year 1871.
Further Success Stories
Raw Materials | Resource Efficiency

Natural raw materials are to be used both effectively and sparingly/efficiently in the sense of a sustainable and resource-conserving environmental policy and represent an essential factor in production. Without this responsible use, there may be a loss of biodiversity and a serious deterioration of the ecological habitat. Therefore, companies in Saxony-Anhalt make an important contribution to the saving of natural resources and environmental relief through efficient and resource-conserving use of materials in production.
Success Stories
AWH Armaturenwerk Hötensleben
The company Armaturenwerk Hötensleben GmbH offers sustainability as a recipe for success. It manufactures high-quality and reliable components for the food, cosmetics, chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries exclusively from stainless steel – a material of the future, and ensuring the recycling capability of which is the perpetual task of AWH.
INKOMA Maschinenbau GmbH
INKOMA stands for INdustrie KOnstruktion MAschinenbau (Industry, Construction, Mechanical Engineering), and supplies superb solutions in the area of drive engineering on the basis of sustainable production processes. The company, which was established in 1973, has long since been an international success story in the field of manufacturing for the production of gear components.
Further Success Stories
Sustainable Mobility

The way humans and goods move has an enormous impact on the climate and the environment. From today's perspective, it is imperative to develop traffic concepts without burdening the environment. Tomorrow's transportation must be emission-free, flexible and resource-efficient - Saxony-Anhalt is developing numerous mobility concepts, each of which is sustainable in its own way.
In Saxony-Anhalt, sustainable mobility is being rethought.
Sustainable Digitalisation

The Digital Agenda of the state of Saxony-Anhalt is driving forward the creation of digital opportunities. Due to constant further development, continuous adaptation to new circumstances as well as new challenges associated with the digital transformation can be ensured.
Saxony-Anhalt's companies know how to use energy and scarce resources more efficiently and in line with demand with intelligent concepts - sustainable, "green" IT technologies and climate-neutral data centers are in Saxony-Anhalt.
Sustainability in Studies | Career

Sustainable education is an important prerequisite for ensuring sustainable development in Saxony-Anhalt. With the adoption of the state's sustainability strategy, Saxony-Anhalt has committed itself to the further development of education for sustainable development (ESD) in the non-school sector. In October 2019, the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture and Energy, which is responsible for ESD, adopted a new guiding principle for education for sustainable development in the non-school sector.
Sustainable Construction | Refurbishment

Environmentally friendly and ecological construction and refurbishment are in focus in Saxony-Anhalt.
Sustainability in Tourism | Living | Leisure

Sustainable tourism in harmony with nature and the landscape, which is geared toward sustainable management and thus focuses on resource efficiency and climate protection, offers the best conditions for making a lasting contribution to regional value creation. Saxony-Anhalt has recognized the need for sustainable tourism and is working intensively on sustainable approaches, future visions and projects. In the Tourism Master Plan and in the actions of the tourism industry, sustainable tourism development becomes a guiding principle. In all fields of action of the Saxony-Anhalt Tourism Master Plan 2027, it is important to consistently take into account economic, ecological and social concerns and their interdependencies from the perspective of the economy, the environment, residents, guests and employees.
Sustainable Nutrition | Health

The production of food requires land and water. In addition, emissions occur during cultivation and transport, to name just a few relevant environmental aspects. In the course of climate change, new cultivation systems and crops are needed; Saxony-Anhalt's agricultural production is shaping a more climate-resilient future. What healthy and sustainable alternatives are there for protein sources such as meat, fish, eggs and milk? Food research in Saxony-Anhalt provides answers to the questions of the future.
Science for Sustainability

In Saxony-Anhalt, science and research deal with the theory, research and implementation of sustainability, sustainable development and sustainability strategies on a local, regional, national and global level and in practical fields.
Scientists from Saxony-Anhalt are researching ever new drive options to make zero-emission mobility even more sustainable, efficient and diverse.
Saxony-Anhalt offers a broad network of institutions, companies and research facilities with know-how
Networks for sustainable development
- Umweltallianz
- Netzwerk Zukunft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
- Tourismusverband Sachsen-Anhalt
- Einewelt LSA
- Bildungs- und Kompetenznetzwerk nachHALLtig
Funding programs for sustainable development
Sustainable innovations at institutes and universities