IMG Marketing

HERE Marketing hits the mark.

Annika Jeschek
Head of Marketing
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 82
Mobil: +49 173 651 104 3

HERE at the Investment and Marketing Corporation, we passionately believe in Saxony-Anhalt. We promote the state nationally and internationally as an attractive location for business and science, a beautiful holiday destination, a state for cutting-edge engineering and exceptional careers, a place to thrive and call home or a place that always welcomes you back.

Be it through interactive online marketing, traditional publications, adverts, promotional videos or radio ads, we encapsulate Saxony-Anhalt’s potential and use all available mediums and channels to directly target our audiences – from visitors to decision makers and investors – with the latest key information.


Our areas of marketing

Location Marketing

Invest in Saxony-Anhalt

Mandy Bunge
Team Lead Location Marketing 
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 73
Mobil: +49 152 530 071 81


> Collaboration: Trade Fairs & Events

> Team


Tourism Marketing

Travelling Saxony-Anhalt

Barbara Weinert-Nachbagauer*
Team Lead Tourism Marketing
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 81
Mobil: +49 160 587 257 3

*on parental leave




> Collaborations


> Team

Location Marketing

In order to further cement Saxony-Anhalt’s reputation as a prime location for business and science, the location marketing from the Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt (IMG) is thoroughly geared towards market developments and the needs of the target audience. HERE is where investor services and marketing come together.

In our location marketing, we pursue our own business location strategy as well as the leading markets set out in Saxony-Anhalt’s Regional Investment Strategy and transform these into multimedia marketing that focuses on fields of expertise and portray Saxony-Anhalt as a confident, modern and open-minded state that wins over hearts and businesses looking for a location where they can prosper. This is also the aim of our Centers of Excellence marketing campaign, which focuses on thirteen selected locations in Saxony-Anhalt where science, research and business are brought together on one site.


Marketing Fields of Expertise

When we market Saxony-Anhalt’s fields of expertise, we show that the state is an innovative and thriving business location. Our In Focus Topics explain more.

HERE is where we promote unique selling points, potential, future markets, innovation, success stories of local businesses, partners and value chains.


Centers of Excellence

If you think Saxony-Anhalt is lacking in innovation, think again. Our Centers of Excellence campaign provides evidence to the contrary and shows how something impressive is emerging in Saxony-Anhalt. After all, HERE is where innovation begins. HERE, researchers make groundbreaking discoveries. HERE, entrepreneurs ready their products for the market. Thirteen Centers of Excellence in Saxony-Anhalt offer the perfect conditions for this innovation.

The aim of this campaign is to emphasize Saxony-Anhalt’s status as a confident, modern and open-minded business location.

Collaboration: Trade Fairs & Events

The IMG is tasked with organizing promotional exhibits for Saxony-Anhalt as well as joint stands, giving companies based in Saxony-Anhalt the chance to present their products and services at internationally renowned trade fairs and events and supporting the local economy in sales promotion and market research.

Team Location Marketing

Madlen Leuffert
Deputy Team Lead
Location Marketing
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 92
Mobil: +49 172 325 391 0

Nicole Krüger
Project Manager
Marketing Culture/Creative Industry
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 14
Mobil: +49 160 989 746 09

Kristin Labs*
Project Manager
Trade Fairs & Events / MICE
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 93
Mobil: +49 174 203 796 9
*on parental leave

Daniel Görner
Project Manager
Trade Fairs & Events 
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 95
Mobil: +49 172 322 516 0

Marie Fischer
Project Manager
Online Marketing
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 94
Mobil: +49 152 5452 0568

Marvin Seifert
Project Manager
Trade Fairs & Events 
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 74
Mobil: +49 152 5452 0584 


Ann-Katrin Heinz
Project Assistance
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 77

Stefanie Fuhrmann
Project Manager
Location Marketing
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 78
Mobil: +49 152 5213 5848

Tourism Marketing

In order to further cement Saxony-Anhalt’s reputation as a holiday destination, the tourism marketing from the Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt (IMG) is thoroughly tailored to market requirements and the needs of key target audiences. We target cultural and city travelers, nature enthusiasts, travel and conference organizers and representatives from other sectors. 

Tourism Strategy

Saxony-Anhalt’s tourism master plan is a comprehensive strategy for all of the state’s stakeholders and a basis to systematically guide the state’s tourism marketing.

The aim is to increase our tourism’s added value by enhancing the quality of what’s on offer to help position Saxony-Anhalt for the long term as a desirable holiday destination. As part of our tourism strategy, we set core priorities, highlight stimulus for long-term, effective growth and set out primary objectives for well thought-through, targeted marketing based on key findings from sound market research.


Market Research

Informative, current data is crucial to identifying opportunities, risks and developments in tourism. It helps support marketing management and give clear direction when setting out aims. A fundamental part of this is the effective selection and processing of marketing information.

As a center of expertise, the IMG regularly gathers information on the basis of a systematic market research strategy, interprets the results and shares the findings with tourism partners in the state in order to ensure optimum use of financial resources and strategic destination management.


The IMG regularly offers opportunities to take part in events to meet and speak to representatives in the travel industry, the press and potential visitors.

Pooling budgets when there is an increased need for financial resources when competing on the national and international stage helps to make the most of existing synergies between stakeholders in the tourism industry in order to achieve a higher market penetration.

Team Tourism Marketing

Judith König*
Project Manager
Digital Communication
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 75
Mobile: +49 151 52626463

*on parental leave

Martin Fricke
Project Manager
Nature and Active Tourism,
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 83
Mobil: +49 178 4144 382


Angelika Beulecke
Project Manager
"Reisen für Alle", Travel Agency Support,
Picture Database, Brochure Service
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 88
Mobil: +49 0173 651 475 1

Katrin Leiding
Project Manager
Trade Fairs & Events
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 84
Mobil: +49 160 587 259 7

Nicole Krüger
Project Manager
Marketing Culture/Creative Industry
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 14
Mobile: +49 160 989 746 09

Corinne Plaga
Project Manager
Digital Communication
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 19
Mobile: +49 151 526 264 68


Malte Zander
Project Manager
Digital Projects & Data Management
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 85
Mobile: +49 160 989 746 11


Katharina Scholz
Project Manager
International Marketing
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 87
Mobile: +49 170 635 945 2

Kristin Labs*
Project Manager
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 93
Mobile: +49 174 203 796 9

*on parental leave

Katharina Wohlgemuth
Project Manager
UNESCO World Heritage Saxony-Anhalt
and State Exhibition "Gerechtigkeyt1525"
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 46
Mobile: +49 172 322 8607

Theresa Kunze
Project Manager
Internal Marketing 
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 72
Mobile: +49 152 5300 7180

Johanna Rabethge
Project Manager
Tel.: +49 391 568 9986
Mobile: +49 152 54520 573

Matthias Ulrich
Project Manager
Tourism Marketing
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 87
Mobile: +49 178 6147838

Jacqueline Baumgart
Project Manager
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 80

Ann-Katrin Heinz
Project Assistance
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 77

Lina Blauert
Project Manager
State Exhibition Gerechtigkeyt1525
Tel.: +49 391 568 99 79
Mobil: +49 152 5213 5904​​​​​​​