Automotive research centre at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg will open in 2023
Up to 50 high-tech jobs created
Following an investment of 31 million euros, a new automotive research centre is being created in Barleben. Up to 50 researchers will be employed in future at the Centre for Method Development (CMD) at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg with the aim of accelerating the development of sustainable drive trains. “The CMD will add expertise in sustainable mobility to the portfolio of the research and automotive location of Magdeburg and create high-quality jobs,” explained Professor Armin Willingmann, Minister for Economy, Science and Digitalisation of Saxony-Anhalt, in a cabinet meeting. The centre will open in 2023.
The CMD will be equipped with nine test rigs for batteries, fuel cells, electric motors and drive trains. The scientific concept behind the centre involves a focus on components of drive trains both independently of one another and linked together in a real-time network. Students on the Automotive Systems course in particular will gain a fundamental understanding of automotive engineering and drive systems as a result of the method-oriented teaching and in-depth, practical approach to learning at the CMD.
In addition, the centre will also be available to project partners from industry and other cooperating research facilities. “This will make Magdeburg as an automotive location even more attractive to investors with its research expertise and highly qualified employees,” commented Willingmann. “Automotive companies already based in Saxony-Anhalt can also benefit from the new research centre.”
The CMD will cost a total of 31 million euros. Of this, 11 million euros for planning, land purchase and construction will be provided by the region of Saxony-Anhalt. A further 20 million euros for the equipment will come from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).