MedTech disciplines in Saxony-Anhalt
Innovative prostheses, surgical robots, telemedicine - the possibilities of medical technology revolutionize diagnosis and therapy. Companies from Saxony-Anhalt are among the leaders in the development and manufacture of innovative medical technology products. Whether prevention, diagnosis, therapy or service - there are specialists in every field in Saxony-Anhalt:

Prevention is the best medicine. We see the same thing in Saxony-Anhalt, which is why our companies do everything they can to prevent and reduce the risks of disease, detect diseases at an early stage, mitigate their consequences and prevent their worsening.

An unambiguous diagnosis is the important step towards improvement. Saxony-Anhalt plays a pioneering role in the development of image-guided minimally invasive diagnostic methods.
Success story: EKF-diagnostic GmbH
It is the exchange between doctors, researchers and entrepreneurs that inspires many ideas," says Steffen Borlich, Managing Director of EKF-Diagnostic GmbH. The medical technology company was founded in 1990 in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt and was acquired by a British group of investors in 2011. It has established itself as the centre of an international group of companies.
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Modern and innovative methods for healing and curative treatment are developed and promoted in Saxony-Anhalt in cooperation with universities and research institutions. There is great interest in the fusion of diagnosis and therapy in order to make the treatment both patient-friendly and cost-saving.
Success story: Günther Bionics GmbH
Mobility through precision work. Thanks to innovative prosthetics, Günther Bionics gives patients back their lost freedom: Michael Günther stands at a workbench and files the plaster cast of a femur stump. Around him, around 30 orthopaedic technicians from all over Germany and Switzerland have set up themselves and follow his explanations. They came to Saxony-Anhalt for a three-day training course. "It was always important for me to think outside the box. Looking at the market, the competitors and your own company from this perspective is of enormous importance for sustainable success. In addition, we rely on highly innovative products to fill market gaps. This is the only way we have a chance to stand our ground against the big players in our industry," says Günther. > read more HERE
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Services & Products

Modern and innovative products and services for service and care.