Saxony-Anhalt at CPhI 2020

From October 13 - 15 2020, the Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt (IMG) will present the German Life Science region Saxony-Anhalt at the trade fair CPhI worldwide 2019 in Fiera Milano, Italy.
CPhI worldwide is one of the world's largest and most important business events for the pharma industry. At the joint stand of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt, IMG informs about the exclusive opportunities Saxony-Anhalt offers as a strong investment location in the heart of Germany for the pharmaceutical industry
Press information about CPhI 2020
We bundle news, background information and photos from CPhI 2020.
Contact for press inquiries:
Frauke Flenker-Manthey
Press Officer IMG Saxony-Anhalt
phone: +49 391 568 9971