MedTech next level
Israeli start-ups cooperate with companies from Saxony-Anhalt
The Healh + IT Campus from Magdeburg today announced the cooperation agreement with the Israeli Digital Health Incubator MindUp. The MedTech Accelerator and Digital Health Incubator programs of the two cooperation partners enable young companies with innovative solutions for the healthcare industry to grow faster.
Israel is one of the most important start-up hotspots in the world. The Digital Health Incubator MindUp from Haifa/Israel supports founders with digital innovations for the health industry. The Health + IT Campus as a subsidiary of the medical technology company HASOMED has created a similar concept with its accelerator program in Magdeburg.
Complement competencies
When the two managing directors Dan Schwarzman and Mathias Schulz get to know each other for the first time, it quickly became clear that a cooperation would be profitable for both sides and that it could advance digitalization in the healthcare sector. The Health + IT Campus has a broad network in the medical technology industry. The innovative technologies from Israel can be further advanced with German engineering and production possibilities of interested companies from Saxony-Anhalt. Israeli start-ups usually have innovative ideas and cutting-edge technology and are looking for qualified employees for development and production. In order to create synergies here, MindUp and the Health + IT Campus will be in close contact in the future and bring founders together with suitable companies, which are preferably located in Haifa or Magdeburg.
Dan Schwarzman (Managing Director MindUp) about the cooperation: “We are pleased to be able to further develop our innovations in the international market with the MedTech acceleretor program from Magdeburg. "
Mathias Schulz (Managing Director Health + IT Campus) is also looking forward to the collaboration: "We are excited to see what grateful opportunities this will open up for our projects, if we combine the innovations from Israel with our engineering skills."
The digital health incubator MindUp, based in Haifa, was founded in 2017 and supports start-ups with smart solutions and ideas for better health care. They are supported by large corporations such as IBM, Medtronic, Pitango, Rambam and the state funding program from Israel Innovation Authority. Click here for more information.
The Health + IT Campus was founded in 2020 as a subsidiary of the medical technology company HASOMED in Magdeburg. With co-working spaces, know-how and a large network the MedTech Accelerator program offers support in the implementation of business models in the medical and IT sectors.