Information and Communication Technologies

Whether customized software, IT security or AI: virtually no industry is capable of facing up to current and future challenges without IT-based technologies. Having enabled and driven forward innovation for years, the highly dynamic ICT sector has established itself as a key element in shaping the future of the economy, public administration and society at large. We have the passwords for your ideas.


A solution to every problem

Saxony-Anhalt’s ICT sector is focused on software and IT services, with some 60 per cent of ICT companies operating in this field. The people involved are mainly specialists who develop customized software for companies: it is not just automotive suppliers, energy providers and mechanical engineering companies who benefit from software made in Saxony-Anhalt, but also public administration and financial service providers. Although the IT landscape is predominantly made up of small and medium-sized companies, global players such as IBM, DELL and T-Systems are at home here, too.



Future talent undergoes training and professional development on a variety of ICT-specific courses at two universities and five other higher education institutions.


One particularly interesting option is the new bachelor’s degree program in AI Enginieering offered by an alliance of five higher education institutions in Saxony-Anhalt. In addition to a range of initial training, continuing education and professional development programs available at the higher education institutions and other providers, priority is especially attached to promoting early-career talent. For example, there are a number of STEM initiatives based on a wide variety of concepts and offerings that aim to inspire young people to take an interest in the natural sciences and pursue a career in this field.

Do you need support in this area? See HERE for details of our Skilled Specialist & Talent Service.


From the Federal Cyber Agency and SAP UCC to several Fraunhofer and Max Planck Institutes – research is a top priority in Saxony-Anhalt in the search for solutions to tackle current and future challenges.



The ICT sector is well networked in Saxony-Anhalt.

Not only are there several larger-scale initiatives, clusters and associations, but also smaller forums for getting to know each other, sharing ideas and engaging in collaborative ventures:


Saxony-Anhalt offers a wide range of funding opportunities for investors. Various programs are available that are geared towards companies at different stages of development and with differing needs. Funding options range from direct investment grants and funding for employees to subsidies for research and development projects.


See HERE for details.