Supply Chain and Transport Management
The mobility of the future also poses new challenges for the logistics industry. The transport modes of water, rail, and road are becoming increasingly networked. The resource efficiency of logistics is to be raised by means of improved freight management and transport routing. Saxony-Anhalt is at the forefront of making freight transport more time and resource-efficient, and is developing solutions in the field of supply chain and transport management.
Logistics Research in Saxony-Anhalt
In Saxony Anhalt intensive research work is being carried out into the optimisation of logistics processes:
- Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems; Faculty of Economics and Management, Chair of Business Administration, especially production and logistics - Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Faculty of Law, Economics and Business, Institute for BA, Chair for Production and Logistics; Faculty of Law, Economics and Business, Institute for Business Information Systems, Chair for Business Information Systems and Operations Research - Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Stendal site, Department of Engineering Sciences and Industrial Design (IWID); course of Business Administration in the Specialisation of Logistics Industry and Infrastructure
- Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen site, Faculty of Business; master’s course in Logistics Management
- Harz University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences, specialisation in Logistics Management
- Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences, subject areas Logistics Systems and Networks and Supply Chain Management as a course
- Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (LogMotionLab = Test and Development Laboratory RFID)
- Virtual Development and Training Centre of the Fraunhofer IFF (VR technical centre, prototyping laboratories, process design laboratories)
- Galileo Test Field Saxony-Anhalt (development laboratory and test field for positioning, navigation and communication in transport and logistics)