Chemical Specialist Münzing Spends 35 Million Euros on Expanding its Plant in Zeitz

Chemical company Münzing in Baden-Württemberg has started a 35 million-euro expansion of its plant in the Chemical and Industry Park Zeitz. A new production plant for wax and polymer emulsions is due to be built by the end of 2021, which the company hopes will create up to 50 new jobs. Saxony-Anhalt’s Ministry of the Economy has pledged to support Münzing with its investment. At the groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday, State Secretary Dr. Jürgen Ude said: “In the next few years, it will be crucial for regions affected by the structural transformation to ensure industrial added value and good jobs by investing in business. Today, Münzing has made a very important contribution towards this.”

The Ministry of the Economy will also support the structural transformation in the brown coal region of central Germany with targeted structural aid and promotion of investments. At the start of August, Minister for the Economy Armin Willingmann made the Chemical and Industry Park Zeitz a Center of Excellence as part of IMG Saxony-Anhalt’s location marketing campaign.

Managing partner Dr. Michael Münzing explained: “This investment will double the number of skilled jobs and is a clear vote of confidence in the site and a sign of our dedication to helping shape the structural transformation in the region.”

The medium-sized business, which employs more than 500 people worldwide, has opted for state-of-the-art technical facilities in its expansion. Münzing wants to manufacture its chemical products, which are used in the construction materials industry, in the most environmentally friendly way possible in its new production plant. An in-house cogeneration station and a system for recovering energy from all heating and cooling processes are expected to reduce existing CO2 emissions by up to 50%. According to the company, logistics and infrastructure will be completely networked via process control systems, ensuring that the principles of the smart factory are fully implemented.
